Building a Happy Life With ADHD
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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects many people across the nation. It can affect both males and females and people of various backgrounds and ethnicities. The number of those between the age of three and 17 who were diagnosed with this disorder between 2016-2019 is pretty staggering. Data shows that this number was approximately six million people. 

ADHD is most commonly diagnosed during childhood, but not always. ADHD can be overlooked until a person is well into adulthood. It may be associated with other disorders as well, including anxiety, depression, and autism spectrum disorder.

If you struggle with ADHD, you may find that certain tasks are more difficult for you. However, through proper treatment and positive life changes, you can live a very happy life with this disorder. 

What Is ADHD?

There are a lot of reasons why a person may develop ADHD. For some people, it is related to genetics. For others, it could be due to specific environmental factors. Certain pregnancy and delivery complications could also play a role in the development of ADHD. 

The symptoms of ADHD are often divided into two many categories: inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsiveness.

In children, ADHD can often be overlooked by parents and teachers who believe certain symptoms are simply part of being a child. However, these symptoms can become more pronounced as a child gets older, and their performance in school may be affected as a result. Some common symptoms of ADHD to be on the lookout for in children include: 

  • Frequently squirming or having a hard time sitting still 
  • Trouble paying attention in class
  • Difficulty staying focused on a certain task for an extended period of time
  • Frequently becoming distracted by other things 
  • Often talking with others during class
  • Not wanting to take turns or share with others 

Recognizing the Signs of ADHD in Adulthood

Maybe you’ve grown up having trouble in school or focusing at work and thought that was simply part of who you are. You might not have considered that you could actually have ADHD, but you overlooked it for all these years. Take a look at some of the following symptoms and consider if these are things that you often experience yourself:

  • Often losing things like your keys, important paperwork, or your phone
  • Being forgetful and accidentally missing meetings or appointments 
  • Struggling with disorganization and having trouble sorting through different tasks 
  • Having trouble with procrastination and time management 
  • Feeling the need to keep shifting from one task to the next without completing the first one
  • Having the compulsion to tap your foot or keep shifting in your seat when you’re trying to sit still 
  • Struggling with talking before someone else is done speaking 

If you believe you may have ADHD, be sure to reach out to your primary care provider. They can help provide you with a diagnosis and recommend different treatment methods that may be a good fit for you. Some people find relief from these sorts of symptoms from prescription medication. 

Certain medications can be prescribed by a doctor to help with ADHD symptoms. Ritalin, which is composed of the drug methylphenidate, and Adderall, which is composed of the drug amphetamine, are some of the most common treatments for ADHD. 

Coming to Terms With an ADHD Diagnosis

After first getting diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. On one hand, you now finally have some answers about why you behave in certain ways or face particular challenges. On the other hand, however, you may be wondering about what the future holds and what sort of strategies you’ll need to utilize to manage the symptoms of this disorder. 

One of the most important things to recognize upon receiving a diagnosis for this disorder is that it doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with you or that you’ve done anything to deserve it. It just means that you may face some unique challenges that others might not have. Finally getting a diagnosis is a very positive thing because it means that you can now begin to learn more about yourself and how to manage your ADHD symptoms in a positive way. 

Another thing that you must remember is to give yourself grace and not be too hard on yourself. There will be days that are more challenging than others. But that doesn’t mean that you should give up or feel as if you can’t accomplish anything that you set your mind to. If you have a day where you’re not as productive as you hoped, simply let it go and try to do better tomorrow. 

One of the important parts of finding happiness after an ADHD diagnosis is learning how to manage stress in productive ways. Find out what works for you. It could be yoga, meditation, or some form of exercise that you enjoy.

A lot of people of varying ages experience the symptoms of ADHD, and there are treatment methods that can help. When you are constantly distracted and have trouble concentrating on a task at hand, it can impact your overall productivity. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Some people turn to substance misuse to cope. This is not the answer, and there are resources available that can help. If you’re struggling with substance misuse, our team at The Ho Tai Way can help. We’ve helped many patients achieve sobriety. Call us at (714) 581-3974 today to learn more about the different types of treatment that we can provide for you.  

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