Celebrating International Women's Day
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Wednesday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. This is a day intended to promote gender equality and empower and support women and girls across the globe. This day is very important because, even here in America, there are some women who aren’t treated with the fairness and dignity that they deserve. There are also women in different parts of the world that still don’t get the same opportunities that men do. They might not have the opportunity to further their education, get a job of their choosing, or support themselves with their own means. 

We have come a long way as a society to improve the way that women are looked at and treated. However, there is always more that can be done. If you typically tend to ignore International Women’s Day, consider celebrating it this year. You may be surprised by your experience. 

What You Can Do to Celebrate International Women’s Day

There are lots of different things that you can do to celebrate International Women’s Day. Consider looking online and seeing what different events may be going on locally to honor this day. Some cities hold marches, seminars, and festivals with various vendors from female-owned companies. These events help to spread awareness about the history of International Women’s Day and further educate the public about women’s issues around the world. 

Another way you can celebrate this day is by patronizing a female-owned restaurant or business. All you have to do is Google the term “woman-owned,” and you’ll be able to see a list of female-owned establishments local to you. By buying their products or services, you are not only supporting them and what they do but acknowledging the importance of female-owned establishments in society. 

If you feel called to do so, you may also consider donating to a charity that works to support and uplift women around the world. Some examples include the Malala Fund, Women for Women International, The Global Fund for Women, Equality Now, Girls Not Brides, and Women Deliver. 

Support the Women in Your Life

Another great way to participate in International Women’s Day is by simply taking the time to acknowledge and support the special women in your life. This could include the various women that have had a positive impact on you and shaped you into the woman that you are today. For example, it could be your mom, an aunt, or a grandma. It could be a former teacher or a friend. Consider taking the time to give them a call or write them a note telling them how much you appreciate them. It could mean more to them than you’ll ever know. 

If you want to take it a step further, consider pampering them by buying them flowers, or some other treat to make sure that they feel special on this day. 

Celebrate Yourself This International Women’s Day

Don’t forget to celebrate yourself on International Women’s Day this year. There are so many incredible things about being a woman that you may tend to forget or overlook. This is the perfect day to acknowledge these things. Take the time to consciously take a look back and celebrate your different accomplishments and all you have to be proud of in life. Don’t be afraid to buy yourself flowers or indulge yourself in some other positive way. 

Consider gathering a group of your girlfriends together and celebrating this day together. You could go out for a nice meal together, attend a concert, or have a movie night at home. This positive quality time together can really boost your mental health. 

Another way to celebrate yourself on this day is to make a promise to invest in yourself both mentally and physically. Maybe you haven’t been eating as healthy as you should or haven’t been making time for self-care. Or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve been to the gym, and you want to start getting back into shape. Whatever it may be, come up with a list of things you would like to do to take better care of yourself in the future. Then consider what concrete things you are going to do every day to make this happen. When you make an effort to prioritize yourself, you may be surprised by the impact it has on your life. 

Maybe you’ve been struggling with substance misuse, and the thing you need to do to prioritize yourself this year is to seek help. This can seem scary and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There are so many resources available and treatment methods that can be tailored to fit your needs. Sobriety is very much possible for you, and you can start today. Invest in yourself by taking the brave step toward living a happier and healthier life. 

Women are incredible, and if you are one, don’t forget to celebrate yourself on International Women’s Day this year. This is a day to invest in yourself and do what is necessary to ensure you are the best possible version of yourself. If you’re struggling with substance misuse, our team at The Ho Wai Way can help. We are a female-only facility that offers trauma informed-care. At our facility, you will be given the respectful and dignified care that you deserve. You will be able to recover while surrounded by the support and care of other women who can can relate to what you’re going through. Don’t wait. Call us at (714) 881-8931 today.