Choosing The Hero’s Journey: Return
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Returning to your normal life after getting treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD) can feel daunting but also empowering. You’ve done the work and taken your life back into your own hands. You’ve taken the steps to be the best possible version of yourself. 

Now you get to implement the changes you discussed during treatment and enjoy the many benefits of living a substance-free life. It’s important to remember, however, that just because you are excited about your recovery journey doesn’t mean that everyone else in your life will be too. That’s why you need to prepare yourself for how you will talk to others about your recovery, how you will set boundaries with others, and how you will respond to anyone that may be less than supportive of your sobriety. It’s also important that you put some consideration into when you choose to return to your normal life. 

Choosing When to Return to Your Regular Life 

For the most part, while you’re in recovery, your treatment providers will help you determine when the right time is for you to leave treatment and return to your normal life. They will work with you to get a feel for how you’re feeling mentally and physically and how prepared you are to avoid temptations on your own. They’ll also work with you to come up with a detailed post-treatment plan that will discuss what continuing steps you’re going to take to protect your sobriety, including where you’ll attend therapy or support group meetings. It is prudent not to leave your treatment facility until your treatment provider deems that you’re ready. It’s also important that you ensure that you’re fully ready yourself. 

It’s possible for your treatment provider to give you the green light to return home but for you to still feel as if you need some more time and support. It’s important that you take however much time you need to feel comfortable. Some people choose to attend a sober living facility after their initial stage of treatment. This is a great slower way to transition to normal life as it allows you still get support and not have to worry about being around any possible temptations right away. 

You will typically know in your gut when you’re fully prepared and confident to return back home. You’ll be fully invested in your recovery plan and completely committed to maintaining your sobriety. 

Prepare to Tell Others About Your Sobriety 

In an ideal world, you’ll have family members and friends who encouraged you to seek treatment and support your recovery. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Even though you are committed to your recovery, there may be people close to you in your life that are struggling with addiction themselves and don’t have the desire to seek help. They may attempt to pressure you into returning to your old ways by manipulating you or trying to minimize your recovery journey. 

They may say things like “you were more fun before you were sober,” “you never really had a problem,” or “you can control it if you drink just this once.” It’s important to prepare yourself for this so that you don’t fall for these sorts of tricks. 

It is important to communicate to those who aren’t respecting your recovery journey that you take your sobriety very seriously and won’t put up with them trying to jeopardize it. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and limit your time with these individuals if they continue with this behavior. If they truly respect you as an individual, they will modify their behavior. If not, it may be time to cut them off entirely. 

Finding Support in Recovery 

In recovery, you can suspect to have the support of your therapist as well as those within your support group meetings. Even if you do have family and friends that are willing to do whatever is necessary to support you, they might not always be able to relate to what you’re going through. This is why having a sponsor in recovery is so beneficial. Your sponsor is someone who has been through what you’ve gone through before and managed to achieve long-term recovery. 

They’ll be able to offer a listening ear when you need to vent and guidance during time’s when your dedication to your recovery journey may be wavering. They can remind you why you chose to get sober in the first place and all of the amazing benefits that have come out as a result of your decision. 

Leaving a treatment facility after getting help with a substance use disorder (SUD) can seem very daunting but can also be very empowering. You’ve done the work to better yourself and are now ready to start a new, more positive chapter of your life. It’s important that you wait until you’re fully ready and confident to return to your normal life. There is no rush and it is better for you to take your time than leave before you’re ready. As you prepare to return home, you’ll want to consider how you’re going to talk about your recovery journey to your loved ones and how you’re going to set boundaries with those who don’t support your recovery journey. If you or someone you know is struggling with SUD, our team at The Ho Tai Way can help. Call (714) 881-8931 today to learn more about our services.