How Can I Learn to Become More Empathetic in Recovery?
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Many people who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) can lose their sense of empathy. This can be the result of hopelessness regarding their situation or as a result of difficult things they have had to experience. Becoming more empathetic is actually a very important part of recovery. It allows you to put yourself into another person’s shoes and try to imagine what they may be experiencing. 

Ultimately, it can help to repair relationships that may have been broken as a result of substance misuse. It can also help strengthen the bonds of others moving forward. If you are not sure how to be more empathetic, don’t worry. Through time and practice, it can be done. 

What Is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to look at what someone is experiencing and consider how you would feel if you were experiencing the same thing. They may be going through something that you can’t fully understand due to never having experienced it yourself. However, you can still put yourself in their position and consider what sort of emotions you would have if you were in that situation. With empathy comes a new perspective and an increased level of respect and compassion for others. Empathy allows you to be more forgiving and less quick to anger. 

Why Is Becoming Empathetic in Recovery Important? 

There are many reasons why empathy can help in the recovery journey and aid you in the healing process as you move forward in your life. Consider what anger or resentment you may be carrying toward those who have wronged you in some way, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This could be something that happened recently or even years ago. Maybe this individual has apologized to you and tried to make things right, but you’ve just not yet found it in your heart to forgive them. 

At the end of the day, carrying this anger or resentment does nobody any good. It just keeps you stuck in the past and unable to enjoy the present moment. It also causes you to cling to a victim’s mindset instead of being able to move forward. 

Fosters Perspective

Empathy requires a change in perspective by allowing you to see things through the eyes of someone else. It requires you to consider why they acted the way they did and what factors could have played into why they did what they did. They could be battling things you were not aware of. When you have this new perspective, you can begin to look at things differently. 

Encourages Making Amends

Another reason that becoming more empathetic in recovery is so important is that it can help you as you go about the journey of making amends. A major part of the recovery journey is repairing what damage you may have caused due to mistakes made as a result of drug or alcohol use. When you first enter recovery, you may not have really considered yet how your actions could have hurt others. You might see the need to apologize or make amends. However, empathy provides you with a fresh perspective so that you can offer a more sincere apology. 

Improves Relationships

Finally, developing a greater sense of empathy in recovery can allow you to foster better relationships as you take the next step in life. You’ll have a better sense of understanding toward others and often a greater sense of humility. In addition, you’ll be more aware of how your words and actions can affect others. 

How Do I Become More Empathetic? 

Your first step in becoming more empathetic is through practicing forgiveness and letting go of resentment. It is hard to find empathy for others when you’re still clinging to something that happened in the past. Letting go of past anger is the first step to becoming free. 

Another part of becoming more empathetic is truly paying attention to others when they’re talking and listening. You can even ask questions to understand further. Many times in casual conversation, it is easy to just nod along without really processing what the other person is saying. But through quality conversation, you can learn a lot about another person and why they may act in the ways they do. This can lead to an increased level of empathy toward them. 

One of the best ways that you can become more empathetic is by spending time with those who have less than you. So often, we may overlook the simple things in life that others just don’t have. Having a roof over your head, food on the table, and good health are all things that many can’t count on. Volunteering and being there for others less fortunate can increase your sense of empathy and how you see the world. 

Many people who have struggled with substance use disorder may also have trouble feeling empathy. This may be a result of the many challenges they have had to face in life that could have made them feel numb. But becoming more empathetic is an important part of the recovery journey. It allows you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and consider what they may be thinking or feeling. It can also help you to have a fresh perspective, understand others better, and strengthen your connections with those close to you. It can change your life for the better. If you are struggling with substance misuse, our team at The Ho Tai Way can help. Call (714) 881-8931 today.