Observing World Bipolar Day
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March 30th is World Bipolar Day. The purpose of this observance is to spread awareness and reduce the stigma surrounding those who live with this mental health condition. Bipolar disorder affects the day-to-day life of many people throughout the world. It does not discriminate when it comes to background, gender, nationality, or age. 

Despite the fact that we have come a long way as a society in how we treat and discuss mental health, there is always more that can and should be done. Anyone who is struggling with their mental health should know what resources are available to them and what they can do to get help. Nobody should have to be afraid of being judged or ashamed about something that is beyond their control. Consider doing your part this year in participating in World Bipolar Day and spreading awareness about bipolar disorder. 

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Someone with bipolar disorder experiences severe and sudden changes in mood. They may go from feeling very elated and on top of the world one moment to feeling incredibly depressed the next. This shift from great highs to great lows can be unpredictable and very noticeable to an outsider who may be confused as to what change took place. When someone with bipolar disorder is experiencing a sudden high, it is referred to as mania or hypomania, with hypomania being the less severe of the two. When they are experiencing a sudden low, it is referred to as a depressed state. 

There is more than one different type of bipolar disorder. In the case of bipolar 1, the individual will have experienced at least one episode of mania that was preceded by a depression episode. With bipolar 2, the individual will have experienced at least one depressive episode and one episode of hypomania. However, they will not have experienced a state of mania. 

Bipolar disorder is sometimes brought about by a traumatic event, such as being the victim of abuse, surviving a natural disaster, or witnessing an act of violence. However, the root cause is often unknown and can be a result of a combination of biological and environmental factors. 

Recognizing the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

In order to recognize the signs of bipolar disorder, you have to be able to recognize the signs of the different episodes. It’s important to note that everyone exhibits the signs of this disorder differently, and one person’s symptoms may be more severe than the next person’s. 

Manic or Hypomanic Symptoms

In general, the following are some of the common signs of a manic or hypomanic episode. If it is a hypomanic episode, these things are going to be a lot less noticeable to an outsider:

  • The individual may seem jumpy or restless. 
  • They may seem more upbeat than normal and may be talking a lot more. 
  • They could be dealing with racing thoughts and may seem distracted during conversations.
  • They make risky decisions they typically wouldn’t make or act as if they are untouchable. 
  • They might become agitated more easily than usual. 
  • They may seem more confident. 
  • They may stay up for hours on end and still not seem tired. 

Depressive Symptoms

The following include some common signs of a depressive episode: 

  • The individual will experience an intense feeling of sadness and hopelessness.
  • They may feel worthless and struggle with a severe lack of self-esteem.
  • They will exhibit changes in eating and sleeping habits. 
  • They may snap at loved ones and say things they don’t mean.
  • They may no longer get the same enjoyment out of hobbies they once loved.
  • The individual may be thinking of hurting themselves or taking their own life.

What You Can Do to Observe World Bipolar Day

The good news is that the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be managed through proper treatment and therapy. Many doctors will also recommend a prescription medication to ensure that symptoms are not getting in the way of an individual’s ability to go about their day-to-day life. 

In order to ensure that those who are struggling do get the help they need, it is important that we spread further awareness about this mental health condition. That is what World Bipolar Day is trying to accomplish. 

You might be wondering what you can do to make a positive difference on this day. You can start by further educating yourself by researching more about this disorder. You can also reach out to a friend who you think is struggling with bipolar disorder and encourage them to get help. Your support might be the push they need to reach out and get treatment. 

Never underestimate the power of social media. Use your social media platforms for good this year by sharing information and support about how to end the stigma surrounding those struggling with their mental health. 

Bipolar disorder should never be ignored or treated lightly. When it continues for a period of time and is not treated, it can lead to serious consequences. Some people who struggle with bipolar disorder turn to substance misuse to cope. If this is your situation, there is help available. Our team at The Ho Wai Way has experience in treating dual diagnoses. In other words, we can help to treat your bipolar disorder while simultaneously helping you through the detox process and the beginning of your recovery. Don’t wait; reach out for help today. Call us at (714) 881-8931 to learn more about the types of services we offer at our woman-only facility.