When you first return to everyday life after seeking treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD), you may be feeling very hopeful, confident, and excited about things to come....
Surveying your life after addiction can be like witnessing the aftermath of a natural disaster. Your relationships with family and friends, finances, work, and everything else in your life...
Addiction touches every member of the family in some way, not just the person using the substances. Healing is needed for everyone, but during the treatment process, the person...
The ideal imagery of a loving, supportive family may be as much of a fantasy as the unicorn. All families have times they do not get along or traits...
Your family loved you before treatment. They will love you during treatment, and they will still be there to love you after treatment. They are the constant in your...
Mothers often have a difficult time making or finding time for themselves. There is always one more child to bathe, one more lunch to pack, or one more load...
Society teaches us that certain foods are bad for us. They are judged as unhealthy, fattening, or having no nutritional value. Our parents teach us moral judgments about food,...
We know that addiction is partially genetic and partially environmental regarding its origins in a person. What if you have both? In many families, there is a propensity for...
Your family can be your rock, even when your life feels like it is rocky. Even in families with dysfunction, there is often love and support available to you...