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Life Skills Development at The Ho Tai Way – Recovery for Women

Life Skills include:

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Assertiveness
  • Self-control
  • Healthy Decision Making

Self-CareDeveloping Life Skills

The above skills are very important and a part of our Ho Tai Way curriculum. When we refer to life skills, though, we are talking about other skills that either didn’t exist before addiction or fell away when the addiction took over.

We’re talking about what might be called home economics and self-care:

  • Learning to cook nutritious meals
  • Caring for your home
  • Developing routines
  • Managing your finances
  • Determining any career goals or changes and what skills will be needed

Why Life Skills Are Crucial

Being able to pay your bills and clean up your messes may sound trivial but they are incredibly important to your recovery.

“Adulting” (as some would call it) is self-care. It’s also hard-core relapse prevention.

When you know how to cook a meal, stay on top of your finances, and establish healthy habits–you have a foundation for dealing with other life issues that come your way. The basics have been taken care of, so you can direct your attention to other challenges in your life as they come.

We all face difficulties in life. Learning how to keep “normal stuff” from becoming difficulties is an invaluable tool in your recovery.

Make Sure You Choose a Program that Believes These Are Important

Many recovery programs only give lip-service to life skills–either type. We take them seriously because we know how important they are.

Give us a call at (714) 881-8931 or contact us to get started on a recovery program that will equip you with the skills you need for success after treatment.

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Incidental Medical Services logoCalifornia State Seal Joint Commission AccreditedSAMHSAccapp
Licensed by the State of California: Department of Health Care Services
You already have the tools you need. We’re here to help you learn how to use them.
Call us to start your recovery: (714) 881-8931