How Do I Know If Female-Only Treatment is The Right Fit for Me?
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The Ho Tai Way prides itself in being a female-only treatment facility for substance misuse. We are unique in this sense, as this is not something offered by many treatment facilities. Our facility believes that women deserve a female-only environment where they can feel safe while recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) and beginning the healing process. 

We believe that female-only treatment is very important in one’s recovery journey, promoting safety, strength, and balance. These things play a valuable role in the healing process from SUD and past trauma. Learning more about why we are a female-only treatment facility can help you better determine whether or not this is the right type of environment for your or a loved one’s recovery needs. 

What Role Does Trauma Play in Addiction and Recovery?

Many people who experience trauma aren’t able to deal with the complicated emotions associated with it on their own, so they bury it deep within themselves. They may ignore the trauma for years, but the pain associated with it does not go away. This trauma could come from something like abuse, witnessing an act of violence, losing a loved one, being in an accident, or surviving a natural disaster. As time goes on, it can get harder and harder to ignore these feelings, and some may turn to substance misuse to cope. 

While going through treatment for substance misuse, confronting this issue head-on is very important. It is necessary to ensure that you do not turn back to substance use following treatment. Through the help of treatment professionals and therapy, you can begin to sort through your emotions regarding what you went through and begin the process of healing and moving forward. 

Part of healing from past trauma is learning to recognize your triggers. These could be various sights, smells, or even sounds that take you back to when that trauma occurred. These triggers can cause you to feel as if you’re experiencing what happened all over again. However, you can learn to heal and get to a place where you are no longer affected by these triggers. This can help promote better balance in your life. 

Why Is Safety Important During Treatment?

When you are receiving treatment for substance misuse, you are required to be very vulnerable. In order to do this, you must be able to feel completely comfortable where you are and who you are surrounded by. This is a major reason why The Ho Tai Way is a female-only treatment facility. 

Some women entering our facility may have experienced abuse and mistreatment at the hands of men. They might not yet be at a place where they are comfortable around men, especially in a treatment setting. Being around men can bring back past triggers and make the healing process more complicated and difficult. 

Other women entering our facility may have had complicated relationships with men in the past. They may have used dating and sex as a crutch instead of dealing with deeper issues beneath the surface. If they are surrounded by men while receiving treatment, they may repeat old cycles, which can distract them from the issues they need to focus on.  

What Role Does Female Empowerment Play During Treatment?

Another reason why we are a female-only treatment facility is that we believe that female empowerment plays an important role in recovery. Women can connect with each other on a deeper level than men because they can understand one another to a greater degree. Many women that enter our facility have gone through similar issues in the past. For example, they may have a spouse in the military or served in the military themselves. Some women have come from backgrounds of abuse and domestic violence. When they are able to bond with women that know what they are going through because they’ve gone through it, too, a great sense of healing can take place. 

At The Ho Tai Way, our patients have the opportunity to bond through 12-Step support group meetings where they can share past experiences. In these groups with other women, they can learn from and support one another. These women may even form friendships that will carry on even after they leave our facility. 

Is Female-Only Treatment Right for Me?

When trying to determine if female-only treatment is right for you, consider your own past and unique situation. What struggles and traumas have you gone through? Have men played a role in them? How comfortable do you feel around men? Do you feel safer and more secure while around women? Is being vulnerable difficult for you as a result of past relationships or traumas? 

Consider also whether or not trying to go through treatment while around men would be distracting for you. If so, female-only treatment might be the better route for you to take.

Going through addiction treatment is a very rewarding but very vulnerable experience. It requires you to have difficult conversations and address issues that may be uncomfortable or that you’ve been avoiding. Because of this, it is important that you feel as comfortable as possible. This is the type of environment we have worked to build at The Ho Tai Way. We want our patients to feel comfortable sharing and bonding with one another. If you’re ready to make a positive change in your life and seek treatment for substance misuse, reach out to our team at (714) 581-3974 today. We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have about our treatment options.